Bulk Products
Here you will find our Bulk Products such as soils, bark and sand. If there is a product that you would like and do not see it here please call us and we will help you locate it.
1 Scoop is just over 1/2 cubic yard

3/4" Unwashed Gravel
The 3/4" Unwashed Gravel is a little bigger than the Pea Gravel, and is a light color. This gravel can also be used for walkways and driveways. It does not generally "roll" under your foot as Pea Gravel does. In conjunction with weed barrier, it can also be used to help mulch your flower beds to help control weeds and retain moisture.

Chicken Manure/Mushroom Compost
The Mushroom Compost, also known as Chicken Manure or Greenleaf compost, is a compost made from a mixture of chicken manure, gypsum, peat moss, and straw. It can be used as a soil amendment to be mixed into your soil or as a top dress for your beds. The chicken manure adds a rich supply of nitrogen.

Dyed Shredded Wood Chips
If you are looking for a dark colored wood chip this is the perfect product. This is a dyed product that is a dark chocolate brown in color. The dyed barks tend to maintain their color longer than the natural barks.

Garden Blend Soil
Our Garden Blend soil is a special blend discovered by our Horticulturists. It can be used in garden boxes or to add to your flower beds. Ready to be planted in. Everyone that has tried it loves it.

This compost is derived from sawdust and turkey manure. The composting process eliminates the smell of the manure. Mix with existing soil to improve tilth and the ability to retain moisture. You will see increased production from your garden as you regularly use Nutri-Mulch.

Pea Gravel
This product is a small gravel that measures about 1/4" in size, hence the name "Pea Gravel." It is generally used for walkways and driveways.

Play Sand
Our sand is considered a cyclone sand. It is very fine in texture and is a great product to be used in playgrounds. It can also be used in planting mixes. Because of the texture it tends to retain water more than other sand products. It is not recommended to be used with pavers.

Playground Chips
Playground Chips have become increasingly popular over the years in place of sands or other products for your playground area. This product is made from spruce wood which is perfect for your playground area and is certified splinter free!

Shredded Red Fir Bark
This product comes from the fir trees in the northwestern states. It is mainly used as a top dress for flower beds. With its longer fibers, this reddish-brown bark is a perfect ground cover in high traffic areas. It spreads easily, stays put once in place and feels like a soft spring carpet. Sprinkler water, heavy rains and high winds can't "undo" this mesh-like mulch.

Soil Pep
Soil Pep is a soil conditioning product derived from fir bark. This product also has a great aroma. It can be used as a top dress, to help maintain soil moisture, or it can be mixed into the soil as compost.

Top Soil
This product is screened sandy loam top soil with roughly 5% organic matter. It will help add volume & tilth to existing soil. It is generally used to raise low spots. It is not the best product for garden boxes.

Washed Concrete Sand
This sand has been washed and screened to remove silt and small grains. It's generally used as an aggregate in concrete products but is also excellent for sand volleyball courts, a substitute for beach sand, and mixed with composts to make an ideal soil.