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History of Linden Nursery

Linden Nursery or Nursery?  Over the years, it has not been uncommon for someone to think we are a day care/nursery, rather than a plant nursery.  The phone calls make us smile.  "How much do you charge an hour to watch kids?"  We clear up the confusion and go back to the business of plants.


But if you know the Platt Family, the owners of Linden Nursery, you will know that we are in the business of raising both plants and kids.  It was this business of raising kids that convinced our dad Ed Platt, the original owner, to start Countryside Garden Center, which later became Linden Nursery.  He had 7 kids all close in age and he wanted to teach us the value of hard work.


All seven kids have worked in the business, off and on, since 1992, when it was established.  And now 18 years later, you will still see most of us from time to time, along with the next generation of little ones.  Those little ones have big dreams.  A 5-year old granddaughter wants to grow up and work in the office with her aunt, and two grandsons, 3 and 6, want to drive the tractors.  All of the little ones run around at the nursery as comfortable here as they are at their own homes.


"It's very reminiscent of a family farm," said Ed.  "The business has been very good for our family and we've learned to work and play together."


The question we get asked the very most, (besides 'how many of you are related?') is why the spelling of Linden Nursery (with an "E") is different from the spelling of Lindon City (with an "O")?  Our answer is simple.  Back when Lindon City was called Stringtown and consisted of farms "strung" out along Locust Avenue and State Street, the townfolk applied for a new post office.  When the Postmaster General in Washington wanted to know what to call the new post office location, the decision was made to call it "Linden" because up until then the mail was simply dropped off under a large linden tree.


However, someone got the spelling of the tree wrong, and forever after it has been spelled Lindon with an "O".  Ed didn't want to perpetuate the misspelling since he is supposed to know something about trees, so he decided to correct the spelling.


As new improvements continue, the Platt Family will continue the effort to maintain the farm-like atmosphere and the "little bit of country" that is the motto of Lindon City.

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